Upcoming Events
The calendar above contains all GCF events. Here are some that are out of the ordinary:
Past Events
BBQ Dinner
On Thursday, June 8, we will have a BBQ dinner at 6pm, the hour before our normal meeting. We will meet in the open area near Rough Draft for dinner, then go to our normal location in the Mesa Nueva large conference room around 7. Stop by and bring a friend!
Service Projects
Serving Our Community with SD Food Bank
We are volunteering with the San Diego food bank on Saturday, 13 May, 12:30-2:30pm. Register here by May 6th with the join code “gcfucsd”, and make sure that you select the correct date and time. Make sure you receive the confirmation email to complete the registration! Then click the button below to let us know you’ve signed up, and to get further information on rides to the event.
To get more information and sign up for rides, use the button below.
We have more service events planned in the upcoming months - stay tuned!